Seven Minutes is a series of interviews with top wrestling coaches and athletes. Most of the question-and-answer sessions last roughly seven minutes. Hence the name. Two-time All-American Jack Mueller enters his senior season ranked second in the nation at 125 pounds after a runner-up finish at the 2019 NCAA championships. You can listen to the entire interview above or read the transcript below.
If you could take what you know now and have a conversation with yourself at 15, what advice would you give yourself?
I would say don't take it so seriously. When I was younger I was very, very obsessed. My life became about wrestling. It shouldn't have been that way. I would just tell myself to enjoy all aspects of life.
Let's go back to recruiting when you were in high school. What do you remember about it? What were your top three schools and why did you pick that Virginia?
I started visiting schools when I was a freshman in high school -- just taking unofficial (visits) and checking places out. My top three boiled down to Michigan, (North Carolina) and UVA. I always love Michigan. UNC is where my brother went so that was up there for me. When I met Coach Garland I knew that I wanted to wrestle for someone that cared about me more than they cared about my results. We obviously want to win but being able to have that mentor for the rest of my life meant a lot.
if you could take one skill from any other wrestler and add it to your game, what do you think would benefit your wrestling the most?
I would probably have to go with (Frank) Chamizo's baseline defense. I think I'm really good offensively. I think defense is the next step in me becoming even better.
Do you think Chamizo is the best defensive wrestler in the world?
Him or J'den (Cox). I wouldn't want to have J'den's because his matches are always so scary. They both know how to shut down matches. Chamizo was just the first one that came to mind.
Let's say wrestling has one governing body and you are now the president, what would you want to change?
Change NCAA to freestyle.
Really, how come?
I just think that it would produce better results from the United States. I think it would change how we went about training. It just makes sense to do one style.
What's the last thing you tell yourself before you set foot on the line?
I say to myself 'spar.' And the reason I do that is because, as I said earlier, I get way too serious. I don't check myself. If I'm telling myself 'spar' I'd rather be going to an 80 percent that's loose and firing on all cylinders rather than 100 percent where I'm tight and not firing off all my shots. I'm reacting to them instead of making them react to me. So I tell myself 'spar' to make sure I know that it's a game and know that it's something I love.
What is the strangest thing that's ever gone through your mind during a match?
I sometimes think about people I care about during my matches. Like if I said something that was mean.
Is there anyone in particular that comes to mind? Do you have any specifics?
Last year at Virginia Duals I was wrestling the Virginia Tech kid. I got in a huge fight with my girlfriend and I just started thinking about it and I started wrestling really bad. It was funny.
Did you end up having the match you wanted to or was it subpar?
I got a tech so I'll take it.
If you could go back and re-wrestle any match, which would it be and why?
That's an easy one. I'd wrestle the finals again because, yes, I lost it but also because I didn't go out there with full confidence in myself. I kind of got caught up in the moment. I should have wrestled harder. I should have trusted my training more. That's the one I"d take back.
What is the most interesting thing about you that has nothing to do with wrestling?
I'm a huge Marvel nerd. I love comics. Love the movies. All of it.
Who's your favorite?
That's a tough one. Probably Green Arrow or Batman.
What is your greatest fear?
Just knowing that I can get something and not putting full effort towards it.
If you could go back and wrestle anybody from any era, who would you want to compete against?
Kendall Cross. He was my old coach. It would be fun to beat him up.
Do you think you could take him?
Some days. Yeah.
What would your strategy be?
Don't shoot if it's freestyle. Figure out a different way to score.
What is the best way to motivate Jack Mueller?
I've always kind of felt like a self-motivator. I've grown up in the sport, so I know what I want to do with it. The best way you can motivate me is just saying, 'You're ready. You're ready to go. You put your life into this. Keep it up. Don't take it too seriously, but you deserve it.'
Photo: (Jack Mueller at the 2019 NCAA championships/Richard Immel)